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tristanpeirce Landscape Architecture Pool and Garden Design Perth natural pool above groun
Tristan Peirce Landscape Architecture Natural Pool Landscape and Pool Design Perth Australia

Tristan Peirce Landscape Architecture Natural Pool Landscape and Pool Design Perth Australia
Tristan Peirce Landscape Architecture Natural Pool Landscape and Pool Design Perth Australia

Tristan Peirce Landscape Architecture Natural Pool Landscape and Pool Design Perth Australia
Tristan Peirce Landscape Architecture Natural Pool Landscape and Pool Design Perth Australia

tristanpeirce Landscape Architecture Pool and Garden Design Perth natural pool above groun
Tristan Peirce Landscape Architecture Natural Pool Landscape and Pool Design Perth Australia
Natural Pool
Located in the coastal suburb of Watermans Bay, our clients were wanting something a little different that focused more on natural elements and wellness. The previous garden was largely paved and triangular, providing some design challenges to soften the space with some relaxed and controlled curves within the design. The addition of natural stone slabs and water plants has added a natural flavour to the garden and the inclusion of a built in sauna and ice plunge bath has this made this rear garden refurbishment a tranquil retreat.
Landscaper: LandscapeWest

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